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Ambar Universal APS Dental Universal Adhesive, 5ml Bottle

Ambar Universal 

Ambar Universal APS is a colorless, light-curing adhesive solution designed for application on various surfaces using various acid etching procedures (self-etching, selective enamel, or complete etching) (enamel and dentin, metal, ceramic or composite resin). It achieves great results when used in conjunction with resin cement to cement any sort of prosthetic part, and it is compatible with dual, self-curing, and light-curing resin cement.


  • Ambar Universal directs composite restorations of all types (classes I, II, III, IV, and V).
  • Fiberglass, ceromer, ceramic, resin, and metal adhesive cementation (in conjunction with resin cementation) of prosthetic parts (intra-radicular posts/cores, crowns, veneers, etc.).
  • Ceramic and composite adhesive repairs
  • As a metal or ceramic primer (etching or non-etching)

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